Youth Ministries


Edenderry CE meets every Saturday Night and is for anybody from Year 12 who has been a Christian for a while, is new to following Jesus or just wants some fellowship. Every night there is a time of praise, teaching from the Bible and an update on our friends who live here in Ireland and across the world. If you would like to know more about CE or how to find us on social media, click below.


The Boys Brigade has existed in Edenderry for over 60 years, discipling boys from ages 4 – 18. Every night there is a devotional led by one of our leaders before splitting off into separate groups for Badge Classes, followed by dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, football – to name but a few!

BB happens every Thursday evening from 6:30pm – 10:00pm. The times of each age group are noted below:

Age Ranges

  • Anchor Boys – P1 to – P4 – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
  • Junior Section  – P5 – P7 – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
  • Company Section – Y8 – Y11 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm
  • Senior Section  – Y12 – Y14 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm

Click Here to find out a little bit more about the BB, or get in touch with one of the people below. We would you to join us!

Leaders in Charge

  • Maureen Hunter Officer-in-charge, Anchor Boys
  • Neville McDowell Officer-in-charge, Junior Section
  • Paul Irwin Officer-in-charge, Company Section
  • Ian McDowell Officer-in-charge, Senior Section
  • Stephen Hunter Captain

‘Sure and Steadfast’


At First Portadown, we have a ministry available for girls that runs from 6:15pm to 7:30pm on Tuesdays.


YF – AM meets every Sunday Morning at 10am in the Youth Room and is for Y8 – University.

Every week, a guest speaker will share with us from the Bible before we split into groups and chat about what this means; a great chance to dig deeper in to the passage and learn with your friends, thinking of how it applies to your life.

And of course, it wouldn’t be YF-AM with a plethora of goodies, coffee and games, but our main goal will always be to grow in love and knowledge of Jesus and what he has done for us.


YF – PM is for anybody from Y8 – Y14.

YF is a relaxed and welcoming place that seeks  to encourage and equip young adults in Edenderry to live out their faith. We do this by studying a series which is either topical or from a book of the Bible. and together, see how the Bible is applicable to all people from all areas of life. Throughout the year we go on trips such as Ice-Skating, to Ulster Rugby and our YF Weekend. A night at YF would not be complete without a sugar-filled and coffee-fueled supper along with some games and a time to catch up at the start of a new week.

Come and join us as we open God’s word together and learn more about His love showed to us by Jesus.

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