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Christianity Explored gives people time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the man at the heart of the Christian faith. As they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him. We are holding a course in Ground Coffee shop starting on Monday 15th April 2019 at 7:30pm. Why not come along and bring a friend with you?

Categories News & Events

Let’s Pray // 24 March – 30 March 2019


Let’s Pray

Sunday 24 March – Saturday 30 March 2019

Three downloadable resources are also available to go with this Let’s Pray email: A PDF and Word document version of the prayer diary, which can be printed out and folded into an A5 booklet for your own personal use or to share with others; and a PowerPoint file corresponding to the Sunday prayer, for use in a Sunday worship service. These files are available for download here:

You can also download these resources from PCI’s website – click here to visit the Let’s Pray page.

General Prayer

Moderator – Rt Rev Dr Charles McMullen

This Sunday 24 March, the Moderator will take the morning service at Ballina Presbyterian Church, then in the afternoon he will take part in a service at Sligo Presbyterian. On Wednesday 27 March Dr McMullen will be at the launch of the new visitor exhibition in Assembly Buildings.

Pray for the Moderator as participates in the Sunday services in Ballina and Sligo, that he would bring encouragement and blessing to all of those present.

Give thanks for the opening of the visitor exhibition and pray that it will provide an opportunity to tell visitors and tourists the story and message of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Sunday 24 March

Council for Social Witness

The Council for Social Witness overseas the work of residential homes, a nursing home, homes for those with a disability, both mental and physical, a substance misuse centre, an ex-offenders hostel and a church for deaf ministry.

Give thanks:

For the work of conveners, key staff and all care staff.

For the contribution the Presbyterian Church gives in the whole area of caring for people.

For dedicated staff teams in all our homes and units.


That we will be sustained to enable us to continue to provide a high level of care.

That the needs of individuals will come before funding and a value for money attitude.

For every resident as they adjust to a new environment and routines.

For volunteers and visitors as they interact with residents and staff.

Monday 25 March

Peter and Valerie Lockwood – global mission workers in Nepal

Work towards the United Mission to Nepal’s new strategic plan (2020-2025) is going well. A key component has been the recruitment of the new cluster team leaders and all are now in post. At present, there are multiple teams working in these rural locations to develop each individual cluster strategic and operational plan.

Pray for wisdom and direction in all discussions and workshops.

Pray for Peter’s ongoing visa re-application process, which had some obstacles but now appears to be progressing. Pray that the remainder of the process will go smoothly.

Malawi – The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) 

Heavy rains in Malawi have caused severe flooding in southern Malawi. At least 56 people have been killed and 80,000 displaced from their homes, many of whom are now living in camps in need of food and medical aid and longer-term assistance.

Pray for all those affected to get the assistance they need quickly.

Pray too for all engaged in the relief effort and for rains to ease.

Pray too for the church as it seeks to help and support those affected.

Tuesday 26 March

Heather McCracken – deaconess in Belfast Trust Hospitals

Give thanks for the interruptions and opportunities that arise as Heather comes across people who need encouragement, someone to get alongside them to listen or pray, or to offer a helping hand.

Pray for the staff at the hospitals as they care for others and save lives; especially as they also at times have to deal with verbal or physical abuse.

N. Ireland hospitals see on average 28 patients a day who self-harm. Pray patients would know how loved they are by God.

Pray for the provision of a Quiet Room/Prayer Room in the Children’s Hospital.

Pray for Heather and her chaplaincy colleagues in all they do. 

Galway Presbyterian Church – Rev Helen Freeburn

Pray for the new leaders being elected and for all newcomers at the church.

Pray too for more Sunday school teachers and small group leaders.

Pray for those going through very difficult pastoral situations.

Pray for a deepening commitment to Christ, to his church and its mission.

Wednesday 27 March 

Volker and JinHyeog Glissman – global mission workers in Malawi

Theological Education by Extension in Malawi (TEEM) are due to publish a book on lay participation in the wider Malawian church soon. At present, most contributors to the book are still working on their contributions to submit shortly.

Pray for wisdom and guidance for all the contributors as they complete their sections.

Pray too for Volker as he continues with the groundwork for the revision of the Bachelor in Theology programme at the Theological Education by Extension College in South Africa.

Gujranwala Theological Seminary and United Bible Training Centre, Pakistan

Pray for Gujranwala Theological Seminary, training people for ordained and lay ministries, and for the United Bible Training Centre, training women for evangelism and pastoral work. 

Pray especially for the resourcing and development of these institutions so important for the training of church leaders.

Thursday 28 March

Philip Whelton – Irish mission worker in Arklow

Pray for the various activities leading up to Easter that the congregation, clubs and community are involved in. 

Pray for the congregation during the vacancy that they would remain strong and focused in their relationship with Jesus and with one another. Pray that they will soon be in a position to have the minister of God’s choice here in Arklow.

The registrations for Arklow’s holiday Bible club in August takes place this week. Philip says, “This is a big event for our church and we have many from different congregations who serve with us in this way and much planning is done to make it all come together.” Pray that they will all be well prepared for God to use them.

Glenelly Presbyterian Church – Rev Rodney Thompson

Pray that those who have suffered bereavement recently would seek peace in Jesus.

Pray for the ongoing ministry of the Word and for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the upcoming preaching mission with Rev Frank Gibson from 14 to 21 April. Pray for a good attendance and many conversions to Christ.

Friday 29 March

Good Relations – This Panel is working on a resource that helps congregations explore being a welcoming church.

Pray that the Bible studies, stories and DVD material will challenge congregations to be more outward looking.

Storehouse – For almost eight years Storehouse has existed to provide emergency food packages for families and individuals who are living at the end of their finances and have nowhere else to turn.

Pray for the 35 partner churches who are involved with Storehouse and ask God to multiply this ministry in churches throughout Ireland. 

The Conciliation Panel meets tomorrow when members of the Conciliation Service will also receive further training on Skills Development & Practice in the Conciliation Process.

Give thanks for the help that conciliation brings to difficult situations and pray that the service may facilitate healthy outcomes in the four currently active cases. 

Many of the General Assembly’s councils and committees will be finalising their reports for the ‘Blue Book’. This can be a challenging task as deadlines have to be met.

Pray for the conveners and secretaries of councils and committees as they finalise their reports and for all the Council members as they meet this week.

Saturday 30 March

Jim Lamont– chaplain in Letterkenny University Hospital and Donegal Hospice

Pray for the chaplaincy team that God will guide them in their ministry as they meet with patients and their families in the hospital and hospice in what can be traumatic situations.

Pray for all the members of staff in the hospital and hospice as they seek to be a caring community for all who need compassion and help.

Pray for patients in both the hospital and hospice; especially in the Acute Medical Assessment Unit and Haematology/Oncology ward.

The Christian Presbyterian Church of Portugal

Pray that God would continue to lead and direct Rev Paulo Jorge (President) and his colleagues in all decisions they make as part of the church’s leadership team. 

Give thanks for the diaspora of Brazilian Christians from Presbyterian churches arriving in Portugal and pray for their adaption and integration into local churches.

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